WNY Law Conference -
August 7, 2024
WNY Law Conference - Power Point Presentations
Keynote Presentation: VENETIAN ROOM
Time: 9:00-9:45 am
Presenter: Jeffrey Mongelli, Esq., New York State School Boards Senior Staff Council
Topic: Legal Hot Topics
'A tour through this past years' most significant judicial and administrative decisions as well as new laws and regulations affecting the operation of public school districts'.​
Topic: New Regulations & Commissioner's Decisions
Time: 9:45-10:30 am
Presenters: Jeffrey Mongelli, Esq., NYSSBA Senior Staff Council will have a conversation with Daniel Morton-Bentley, Esq., from State Education Department.
New York State School Board Association Senior Counsel Jeffrey Mongelli, Esq., and New York State Education Department Counsel and Deputy Commissioner Dan Morton-Bentley, will engage in a "cracker barrel" conversation highlighting important new regulations and Commissioners' decisions that have implications for school districts and building level leaders.
Session 1:
Time: 10:35-11:30am BELLA ROOM
Presenter(s): Jeff Weiss, Esq., (Bond, Shoeneck and King, PLLC)
Topic: Special Education Update
Time: 10:35-11:30am AMORE ROOM
Presenters: Jessica L. Copeland, Esq., (Bond, Shoeneck and King, PLLC) and Karl Kristoff, Esq., (Hodgson Russ, LLP)
Topic: The Rise of AI: Policy Challenges for Schools
Time: 10:35-11:30am VICTORIAN ROOM
Presenters: Brian Hartmann Esq., (Erie 2 CC BOCES), and Nate Kuzma, Esq., (Lippes Mathias LLP)
Topic: Collective Bargaining Updates - Trends and Updates
Session 2:
Time: 12:30-1:25pm BELLA ROOM
Presenters: Brendan Kelleher, Esq., (Lippes Mathias LLP) and Melanie Beardsley, Esq. (Webster Szanyi, LLP)
Topic: Community Access to School-Based Information
Time: 12:30-1:25pm AMORE ROOM
Tracie Lopardi Esq., (Bond, Shoeneck and King, PLLC) & Lindsay A. Menasco, Esq, (Hodgson Russ, LLP)
Topic: Social Media and the First Amendment: Guidelines for School Officials and Personnel
Time: 12:30-1:25pm VICTORIAN ROOM
Presenter(s): Marnie Smith, Esq., (Webster Szanyi, LLP)
Topic: Superintendent Contracts
Session 3:
Time: 1:35-2:25pm BELLA ROOM
Presenters: Ryan Everhart, Esq., (Hodgson Russ LLP) and Dina Allen, Esq., (Webster Szanyi, LLP)
Topic: New Title IX Rule - Navigating the Changes
Time: 1:35-2:25pm VICTORIAN ROOM
Presenters: Kurt Gustafson, Esq., (Erie 2 CC BOCES) & Andrew Mark, Esq. (Bond, Shoeneck and King, PLLC)
Topic: Code of Conduct Review and Reminders
Time: 1:35-2:25pm AMORE ROOM
Presenters: Elizabeth McPhail, Esq., (Hodgson Russ, LLP) & Brian Doyle, Esq. (Erie 1 BOCES)
Topic: Navigating Staff Discipline: A Holistic Approach